KEC Innovation and Entrepreneurship Forum (KEC IEF) is a combined platform of Entrepreneurship and Management Development Centre (EMDC), Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC) and Technology Business Incubator (TBI). IEF creates awareness about Entrepreneurship; kindles ideas and nurtures innovation and incubates campus startups. Initiatives of IEF are: KEC Spark Fund, Freelancer forum, Business Cell, Women Entrepreneurship Cell, Ideathon, Hackathon, Proof of Concept (PoC) & Prototype expos.
Entrepreneurship and Management Development Centre (EMDC)
- EMDC established during 1993 with funds from Central government creates awareness among students, faculty and staff about the value of entrepreneurship and its role in career development
- EMDC promotes entrepreneurship as a viable career and provide pre-incubation support to innovators / students to culminate in campus start-ups / new ventures
- EMDC comprises of Overall Coordinator, Departmental Faculty Coordinators, Departmental Student Coordinators and student members
Institution’s Innovation Council
- IIC @ KEC established during 2018-19 under the guidance of MoE Innovation Cell (MIC) works in accordance with the Annual calendar activities prescribed by the MIC and promote innovation-led activities
- IIC organizes periodic workshops / seminars / interactions with entrepreneurs, eco system partners, investors / Hackathons, Idea competition and Prototype Expos, mini-challenges etc. with the involvement of industries
- IIC KEC comprises of President, Vice President, Convenor, Faculty Coordinator, Innovation Ambassadors, Faculty and Student Coordinators for various activities, Departmental Faculty Coordinators and student members
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Technology Business Incubator @ Kongu Engineering College (TBI@KEC)
- TBI@KEC was established in 2003 as a joint venture by KEC with the generous grant-in-aid and support of NSTEDB/DST, Govt. of India (at a total project cost of Rs.3.95 Crore) for nurturing and promoting innovation and entrepreneurship development in cutting edge technology areas (with thrust in Electronics & ICT)
- TBI in an area of 26,800 Sq.ft provides total support to the incubatees right from “Concept to Commercialization” under various stages
- TBI conducts capacity building programs, validates problem – solution fit & product-market fit, provides mentoring support, financial assistance, networking with other agencies, helps in pitching to national & international investors, provides infrastructure & lab support of TBI and HI in addition to spotting and involving talented students (Interns) and faculty to work with the entrepreneurs for a win-win situation
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